Hard to Kill Plants You can Buy at Leaves House

Not all of us are blessed with a green thumb.

Some of us need to buy hard to kill plants in hopes of finally being able to keep something alive.

Basically, you need plants that require less maintenance or can tolerate being forgotten about for a few days (okay weeks).

Just keep in mind that while these are hard to kill plants, it’s not impossible. So, if you plan on adding some greenery to your home in the form of a spider plant, keep in mind it will still need water every now and again. 



Spider Plants

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Taking care of spider plants is easy. Not only can they tolerate multiple environments, but they are also pet-safe. They are especially good choices for bedrooms or offices as they are great at filtering out air pollutants. 

Water: Provide them with well-drained soil. Give them plenty of water but do not allow the plant to become too soggy otherwise it can lead to root rot. 

Light: Bright, indirect sunlight.




So you’ve tried taking care of a cactus and it didn’t work out? Maybe you’ve killed a few too many succulents?

Don't lose hope. All you have to do is adopt a pothos plant. Pothos plants enjoy a wide range of environments and can be grown in dry soil or vases of water. Leaves house carries three types of pothos plants which you can pick up in-store!

Water: Pothos do best when their soil is allowed to dry out between waterings. If you notice the leaves turning brown or wilting, you should water the plant more often.

Light: They do well in bright, indirect light as well as low light



Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plants are famous for their leaves, more specifically their sap. The sap from aloe vera is commonly used in skin care and can be used to heal minor cuts and scrapes as well as ease sunburns. 

Water: Water heavily every one to two weeks. Wait for the water to dry out fully.

Light: Keep your aloe vera plant in a bright, sunny place.



Fairy Castle Cactus (in-store only)

Button to buy product fairy castle cactus

It’s name comes from the vertical stems that resemble the spires and turrets of fairy tale castles. Fairy castle cacti are low-maintenance, making them easy beginning gardener projects.

Water: This plant requires well-drained soil. You should allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. 

Light: Place your cactus in a sunny location. 

Swiss Cheese Plant

 Button to buy product swiss cheese plant

Monstera Deliciosa are sometimes called swiss cheese plants due to the shape of their leaves. Monsteras need more space than other plants. Rather than placing them in a tight corner or windowsill, they need more room to flourish. 

Water: Water your Monstera roughly once a week.

Light: Find a balance between light and shade. Indirect sunlight is best. 


Button to buy product fittonia

Fittonia are sometimes called mosaic plants or painted net leaf, due to the silver or purple coloured veins that grow on their leaves. They are compact plants and prefer humid environments so they benefit from regular misting.

Water: Keep the soil well-drained and moist.

Light: Fittonia plants will truly flourish with bright, indirect light. Keep in mind that low light exposure will cause these plants to lose their veins.

Moon Cactus (in-store only) 

These hard to kill plants come in a variety of colours including bright red, hot pink, orange and even neon yellow (visit our Montagne location for the most options!) Moon cacti are very low-maintenance which means taking care of these plants is easy.

Water: Let the soil dry out between waterings. When you water your cactus, water deeply.  

Light: Unlike other cacti, the red top of moon cactus plants are more tolerant of shade and dislike direct sunlight. By contrast, the green part of the cactus is often a light-lover. Look for a bright area, and keep an eye out in case the colour starts to wash out. 



Ginseng Ficus

button to buy ginseng ficus leaves house

 Ginseng ficus are the beginner's version of a bonsai tree. If you think growing and caring for a bonsai tree is too complicated, this is a great first project. They’re most prominent feature is the thick roots which stay exposed above the surface of the soil and they require simple and minimal care. 

Water: Water once or twice every one to two weeks. You will know if you are now watering it enough because the dark green leaves will turn yellow. 

Light: Ficus trees are capable of growing in low light but thrive in high light. 

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