How to Ace That Summer Workout (& Fun Ways to Work Out)

By: Julia of MyHealthyMontreal

Throughout quarantine and this period of time where social distancing is of utmost importance, I have been encouraged to get creative with my out-of-studio workouts!

If you find yourself struggling to find the motivation to follow through with your workouts I have a few easy-to-implement ideas that can give you the push you need!

    1. CREATE A WORKOUT PLAYLIST! (or find one online) that contains songs to match the energy you want to have during the workout, and make sure it’s as long as you hope your workout will be (i.e: if you plan to work out for an hour, make the playlist an hour long). 
    2. FIND A BUDDY! Ideally one who lives nearby, to participate in your exercise with you (make sure to social distance and if material is needed, make sure they bring their own!)
    3. ORGANIZE YOURSELF! The best and most effective way to be organized in your workout plans is to write out a precise schedule for the week and indicate which days you’re planning on working out and what time of day, along with the exact workout or body part you’re planning to focus on that day. This is such a time saver!
    4. WEAR A WORKOUT OUTFIT THAT MAKES YOU FEEL CONFIDENT! Never underestimate the power of a confidence boosting outfit. By dressing the part it can motivate you to get out of your house, or find an empty space in your house to channel everything you’ve got into a workout.

      If you are feeling stumped as far as workouts are concerned, these are just a few ideas that I have tried out and LOVED...

      • If you live near a park and enjoy working out outside, plan out a mini circuit complete with some cardio and muscular strength training. Think 2 laps around a park or green space followed by some push-ups, sit ups, planks, squats & lunges then repeat. It could be as simple as that!
      • If you are the type of person to enjoy a classic YouTube video workout, some of the top channels I recommend are: Caroline Girvan, Pamela Reif, Sami Clarke, Rebecca-Louise, and MadFit.
      • If you are the type to love a good workout class, I would recommend tuning into Instagram Lives so that you feel motivated to wake up and complete a full workout at a certain time alongside the instructor. For this type of workout, my favourite “IG Lives” are @jen_mtl, @doyourumble, @fitsqr, @froyotofitness and @ellefitnessto.
      • If you just want to spend time outside and work your cardio in a low intensity way, consider going for a long walk or finding a park or an area that has hills, and make it your mission to go up and down the hill X amount of times. Track your progress!

      NOTE: It is SO important to replenish your fluids during and after any type of workout! Water is your best friend during a workout and I would highly suggest drinking a protein shake or even an iced matcha lemonade (using Leaves Matcha!) after your exercise is done!

      Or you can check out her no-bake matcha cookie recipe HERE!

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