Pet Safe Plants You Can Pick Up at Leaves House

If you're looking for pet safe plants, you've come to right place!

Houseplants are a great addition to any home. They keep carbon dioxide levels down and remove certain pollutants from the air. The health benefits far out way the work it takes to feed and water them (and you can always adopt an easy to maintain plant like a cactus if you’re worried.)

 Vines and flowers may be aesthetically pleasing but not all plants are safe for our four-legged friends. Spider plants are non-toxic, pet safe plants. Unfortunately aloe vera can cause serious health problems for animals. 

At Leaves House, we offer a number of pet safe plants that you can pick up next time you come for your morning coffee. If you’re looking for more information on whether your houseplants are non-toxic and pet safe you can visit the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC). They have a short list of common houseplants that could be problematic to your pets.


Burro’s Tail

These succulents are on the non-toxic list! They’re easy to take care of because they require little water. However, they do need a little more sunlight than other plants so it’s best to keep them by a window. 

 Burro's tail grows well indoors as long as they’re placed in well-drained pots and get ample sunlight. These houseplants can grow equally well if mixed with other succulents or in a hanging basket. 

Additional Common Names: Horse's Tail, Donkey's Tail, Lamb's Tail

Scientific Name: Sedum morganianum

Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Non-Toxic to Cats


Money Tree

The money tree isn’t just beautiful, it also represents good fortune. According to the ASCPA this plant is considered non-toxic to cats if ingested. However, it can lead to stomach upset.

 Money tree plants that are potted and indoors can reach between six and eight feet. Both indoor and outdoor plants thrive in full sun and in moist soil. 

 If your cat decides to nibble on any part of the plant, its health won’t be seriously affected. They can experience stomach upset so it may be wise to keep your money tree in a room inaccessible to your pet. (Keeping cats away from outdoor plants is a little trickier though!)

Scientific Name: Pachira aquatica

Toxicity: Non-toxic for cats (but may lead to stomach problems) 


Chinese Money Plant

Chinese money plants have circular, flat leaves that resemble lily pads. These plants are very responsive to the sun so you may want to rotate the pot once or twice a week so the leaves don’t grow in only one direction.


Spider Plants

You’ve probably seen spider plants in hanging baskets.  They can handle a wide range of conditions and suffer few problems, making them one of the easiest plants to grow.

 They’re very easy to take care of and are excellent for anyone looking for hard to kill plants. Provide them with well-drained soil and water them well and your home will be filled with spider plants in no time.  

 We don’t always carry spider plants so check out social media for updates!

Additional Common Names: Ribbon Plant, Spider Ivy, Spider Plant

Scientific Name: Anthericum comosum 

Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Non-Toxic to Cats

Thimble Cactus

Native to Mexico, these cacti grow a number of short, spiny stems. They even grow tiny, yellow flowers that appear in spring or later summer. 

 While they may be cacti, they will need a little more care as the offshoots can break off rather easily. Any offshoots that fall in soil will root. So if you end up breaking one by mistake you’ll just end up with a few extra cacti. They require full sunlight or light shade.

Scientific Name: Mammillaria fragilis

Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Non-Toxic to Cats

Mistletoe Cactus

Mistletoe cactus is a tropical succulent native to rain forests and warm regions such as South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil. Unlike many of the other plants we mentioned, Rhipsalis requires shade or partial shade, moisture and dim light. If you're looking for pet safe plants, this is definitely a good option (just keep in mind your kitten try to play with it like a string toy).

Scientific Name: Rhipsalis cassutha

Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs and Non-Toxic to Cats


According to the ASPCA it is important to keep in mind that, "...the consumption of any plant material may cause vomiting or stomach issues for dogs and cats. Plants listed as either non-toxic, or potentially toxic with mild GI upset as their symptoms are not expected to be life-threatening to your pets". If you think your beloved pet may be sick visit your local vet or Montreal's SPCA.

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