Zoom Lemon Lime Maranta - 6 inch pot
Zoom Lemon Lime Maranta - 6 inch pot

Lemon Lime Maranta - 6 inch pot



Leaves House


A tropical plant native to Brazil, red prayer plant is a popular and attractive houseplant. Its scientific name is Marantha and the variety is ‘Erythroneura,’ which means red veins in Latin. The red veins are in a herringbone pattern, giving rise to another of the plant’s names, – herringbone plant.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Red Veined Prayer Plants: Tips On Caring For A Red Prayer Plant https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/prayer-plant/red-veined-prayer-plants.htm
A tropical plant native to Brazil, red prayer plant is a popular and attractive houseplant. Its scientific name is Marantha and the variety is ‘Erythroneura,’ which means red veins in Latin. The red veins are in a herringbone pattern, giving rise to another of the plant’s names, – herringbone plant.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Red Veined Prayer Plants: Tips On Caring For A Red Prayer Plant https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/prayer-plant/red-veined-prayer-plants.htm
A tropical plant native to Brazil, red prayer plant is a popular and attractive houseplant. Its scientific name is Marantha and the variety is ‘Erythroneura,’ which means red veins in Latin. The red veins are in a herringbone pattern, giving rise to another of the plant’s names, – herringbone plant.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Red Veined Prayer Plants: Tips On Caring For A Red Prayer Plant https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/prayer-plant/red-veined-prayer-plants.htm

These tropical plants are native to Brazil!  Marantas are commonly known as prayer plants due to their tendency to "open and close" their leaves in the morning and at dusk, resembling praying hands. Unlike red marantas, these plants have bright green stripes across their leaves.

Pot diameter:  6 inches.


Water: The plant’s water needs are very specific. The soil must be consistently wet but never soggy. 

The plant’s water needs are very specific. The soil must be consistently wet but never soggy.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Red Veined Prayer Plants: Tips On Caring For A Red Prayer Plant https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/prayer-plant/red-veined-prayer-plants.htm
The plant’s water needs are very specific. The soil must be consistently wet but never soggy.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Red Veined Prayer Plants: Tips On Caring For A Red Prayer Plant https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/prayer-plant/red-veined-prayer-plants.htm

Light: Shade is better! (Too much bright light and the colours will fade!

Vendor: Leaves House

Lemon Lime Maranta - 6 inch pot
